Sapporo International Student Center Contact Form

To contact Sapporo International Student Center, please fill out the form below.
After you fill it out, please click the "send" button (necessary items are marked with ).

After sending the form, you will receive an auto-reply message.  If you do not receive the message within a few minutes, please check your E-mail address, spam folder, and settings before you try again.
We should reply to you in 2-3 business days.
However, if your inquiry needs urgent attention, you can contact us by phone at the number below.
Your Name
School Name
What is your current course?
What year are you in?
E-mail Address
E-mail Address(Re-enter for confirmation)

If you are using domain-specific reception, please add “” to your list of approved domains before sending the inquiry.

Phone Number
About questions
Preferred type of room
